The EVIL Empire [APPLE]

Posted: February 18, 2012 in Uncategorized

For those of you who still LOVE APPLE:


You are supporting a company who deceives the world to make billions while they trample the lives of millions who make their products. 

I always thought Apple fan boys/girls had a decent understanding  of being socially responsible. Many I think thought by buying Apple (a usa owned company) they thought they were helping America.


Well the truth is out Apple kills jobs in the USA and is killing their own employees around the world.

How Apple is pulling the shade o er their human rights violations.


To all the business owners out there pay close attention to this company. The secrets to your profits are coming into the light.

Secret #1 – How to make $100 billion in profits.

Answer – pay foreign suppliers (FOXCONN) to do your dirty work for you, sell a product that was made on the cheap, by the blood, tears, and inhuman treatment of these foreign employees and sell it to Stupid Americans who think you have cool commercials and “pretty” software.

Below is a repose to all of the Apple fanboy hate I have been receiving since I posted this article. It is a direct response to one of the comments below but it applies to many emails, comments, and hangouts I have been sent.

“So normally I approve comments without posting any opinions to them but this time this reader just missed the point, so I figured I would clarify why it is such a big deal for Apple to use a supplier who treats their employees this poorly.

Apple is an American company and the most valued company in the world currently. By using a supplier that treats its employees so badly, they had to install suicide nets to keep their employees from killing themselves, Apple is setting a terrible example to other fortune 500 companies. By supporting Apple you are condoning the inhumane treatment of human beings to increase corporate profits.

I agree a phone blowing up in someones ear is a scary ordeal but it pales in comparison to setting such an evil moral standard for profitability.”

  1. Inform Yourself says:

    These people are not Apple employees, Foxconn is a subcontractor to Apple. Foxconn has the option of doing it or not, it’s not like they are the only suppliers in the world. It’s about choices. It’s unfortunate what’s going on out there and with the accidents/deaths. But that happens around the world, jobs can be dangerous, but of course since it’s the company that makes a lot of money, they are considered “evil”. The Foxconn employees have the choice of working or not working. Committing suicide because you’re overworked? Quit your job, don’t kill yourself.

    Most Android phones are also made on the cheap by the blood, tears and inhuman treatment of the foreign employees. Companies aren’t stupid, they will go with whatever costs them less and delivers to their expectations. It’s a business tactic.

    Apple was a company that faced many failures and now that they are making their way in the tech world, Android fanboys believe they are “evil”

    ^quality products right here.

    • So normally I approve comments without posting any opinions to them but this time this reader just missed the point, so I figured I would clarify why it is such a big deal for Apple to use a supplier who treats their employees this poorly.

      Apple is an American company and the most valued company in the world currently. By using a supplier that treat its employees so badly, they had to install suicide nets to keep them from killing themselves, Apple is setting a terrible example to other fortune 500 companies. By supporting Apple you are condoning the inhumane treatment of human beings to increase corporate profits.

      I agree a phone blowing up in someones ear is a scary ordeal but pales in comparison to setting such an evil moral standard for profitability.

  2. Inform Yourself says:

    Apple has started taking action towards the issue by having a Fair Labor Audit done and even though it’s not much, they shelled out 378M for the 378k coworkers, 1k isn’t much but at least it’s slightly better than before. I understand where you’re coming from how companies don’t seem to care as long as their products are done and it’s cost efficient, but that’s everyone, not only Apple.

    Also Samsung and other Android phone makers also rely heavily on Foxconn, Apple isn’t the only one. Lucky for those other suppliers, nothing major has occurred with their part.

    I’m by not means an Apple fanboy, I own an iPhone yes, but I find iPads useless, Macs overpriced. I’m not a big fan of their products besides their phone. I’m not here to take your opinion, I respect that, but doesn’t mean I agree with it.

    Bottom Line: Most companies use this tactic, Apple isn’t the only one.

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