Posts Tagged ‘Stock Market’



bb rip

Those of us who have been following phone tech for the last 5 years saw this coming from a mile away.  RIM is dying and headed to the tech cemetery with Friendster, Myspace, and the Nintendo Glove.  The strategy of holding onto your profits as long as possible never works out well for tech companies and blackberry’s futile attempts at advancement in the recent future have been epic failures. It is time to give up your BMM and your scroll ball and move into the 21st century.  I know this is going to be hard for alot of RIM loyalist, who affectionately call their phones CRACKBERRY, but THE END IS NEAR for RIM and you might as well abandon ship before you get sucked down into the bottomless whole that is non-customer supported out of date technology.

I recommend a few phones below for your first steps into the LIGHT.

Motorola Atrix 4G –> this one is a person favorite and is the phone I use myself.  The TV docking station adds a whole new dimension to phone usage.

HTC Thunderbolt –> This phone boast a huge screen and LTE 4G internet in 19 cities… I have heard great things but haven’t had the option of using one myself. (If anyone has please comment below)

For more info on jumping ship from RIM check out the jump –> RIM down over 20 percent on Wall Street or  RIM and LightSquared, on the Death Watch OR –> Ten Reasons Why BlackBerry Is Screwed, THANKS GIZMODO

*****************BELOW UPDATED ON 01/30/2013***********************

bb rip2


This picture in low light looks worse than my iPhone original did more than 7 years ago.

EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT BB10   go ahead look for yourself and see how behind it is

If qwerty keyboard is your style go with a droid Q this thing has a tiny little 3.1 inch screen.  I think my old dumb flip phone has a bigger screen.

z10 iphone

How The Z10 Stacks up against Competition (hint: IT DOESN”T)

Every phone on this list is 6 months+ old. before Blackberry even announce a quad core phone the Galaxy S4 is going to be pushing 8 cores.  Plus just look at the bezel.  This thing looks like the old G1 and Blackberry had the balls to tell us they were coming out with something revolutionary.

Also since its been a while here is a new list of recommended phones to replace your Blackberry (or your iphone 5)



If you are interested in state of the art (and have big hands) this is your phone.  This thing flys on its 1.6 ghz quad core does true multi window muti tasking has a beautiful 5.5 inch screen and get great LTE service.



This phone is twice as good as the BlackBerry Z10 and it 75% cheaper.  I also would say this is phone is equal to the iPhone5 and with a price tag of $69.99 it way better.



For all of you HTC fans out there, and I know there are a bunch of you.  This is the phone for you and the phone i recommend to anyone who has smaller hands (that’s you ladies).  This phone screams on its quad core tegra 3 chip set and has a beautiful 4.7 inch screen. Carries the LTE antenna for super fast internet and has one of the fastest shutter speeds i have ever seen on a phone camera.

However for those of you who still are sold i have an option for you that is still better than the BB Z10 and its FREE!



I know its a two year old phone.  But this still has a comparable dual core chip set to that of the Z10 and has Android 4.2.1 software which is way ahead of the BB10. The camera is 8mp and the screen is almost as good.  Plus with a 2 year contract most carriers will STRAIGHT UP GIVE YOU THIS PHONE FOR FREE. Then again you could pay for the Blackberry z10 for $199.99 or the iPhone5 for $399.99 if you are one of those people who have a money tree or have no limit to expense as long as it makes the fit in.

I’m out!




09/23/2013 Its Official BlackBerry is DEAD