Archive for the ‘News’ Category

It has recently been revealed that Apple is selling all of its users out.  The new finger print scanner that was put in the iPhone 5s was developed by Authentec whose director, Robert E Grady, was a prominent figure within the George Bush administration and is connected with The Carlyle Group, which is a majority shareholder in Booz Allen Hamilton, the NSA contractor with which whistleblower Edward Snowden worked.

Apple’s TouchID technology, reportedly has strong ties to “the most powerful and corrupt Defense Department and Intelligence Community contractors and figures.”

“Ye’ be warned” -DPR

Nuclear Family > Single Parent

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Statistically, the biggest predictor of family economic status is not race or geography, but whether households are headed by one parent or two. That’s why a family headed by a single white mother is nearly three times more likely to be poor than a family headed by married black parents. In fact, among all children living with a single mom, well more than a third live in poverty.

Overwhelmingly, one-adult teams occur because two involved parents tried to be a family, but fell apart. Until we address the reality of family breakup and find a way to help, we can’t effectively fight that key cause of family poverty. Today, 41 percent of US babies are born to unmarried mothers – but it’s inaccurate and misleading to call them all single mothers.As shown in a leading study, most unmarried mothers (82 percent) are still romantically involved with the baby’s father when the baby is born, in most cases living together, and the two parents hope and intend to raise their child together. So, in reality, for every 10 American babies, on average, six are born to a married couple, three to an unmarried but involved couple, and only one to a mother not romantically involved with the baby’s father. This presents an important opportunity. Studies show that when parents stay together, most families benefit. Parents tend to get and hold jobs, family wealth increases, kids do better in school, and family members generally report better health and happiness than in single-parent families. Communities gain through higher tax revenue and lower social costs. (excerpt above from

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This bring about a very important question. HOW CAN WE HELP COUPLE WITH NEWLY BORN CHILDREN STAY TOGETHER?

We spend billions on trying to help out single parents with food stamps, welfare, free child care, etc. but we spend almost nothing on helping parents stay together. If the benefits of a 2 parent households are so great than an increase in nuclear families would drop these welfare costs way down. Why are we always so reactionary? We treat the symptom instead of treating the cause. (This is true for our healthcare system as well but that a whole other store.)

Since 2009 (the start of the “Great Recession”) the wealth gap in the USA has grown at an alarming rate. For members of the 1% income has increased by 18% over between 2009 and 2012, for the rest of us a measly 1.8% increase in income. Many think this is a reason to raise taxes and redistribute the wealth to the rest of the country. Most economist even believe a 1% that controls a smaller portions of the wealth (lets say 45%) in a faster growing economy (due to consumer spending which is 70% of our economy) means more money for everyone, including the 1%ers themselves.

So if nuclear families provide greater prosperity for the USA why have we been trending in the other direct? Why would the the people in control be resisting the opportunity to make more money and pay less taxes?

It all comes down to one thing… CONTROL.

Since the late 60’s the war against the family has been raging and the casualties have been high. As stated before almost half of all new born babies are entering into the world without a full nuclear family in place. Many people ask how is this happening? I thought we took steps to fix this with abortion, birth control, sex ED class, etc.?

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When all of the aforementioned steps were taken to fix un-wed pregnancies they happened at a lessor effect. Many believe these things actually have lead to an increase in the problem. Its like the commercial on TV. (if you don’t know these were the anti smoking campaign run by big tobacco as part of their settlement for selling cancer sticks). After the ad campaign had run for several years an independent study was done to see if they were having any effect on lowering teen smoking. The study found it was actually having the opposite effect. Turns out a whole bunch of commercials with people saying the word smoking in it just increased people curiosity and made even more of them give it a try. Many people believe this was the intention of the ads by big tobacco from the get go.

This same logic can be applied to the safe sex, birth control, condoms, abortion, propaganda. It was supposed to make everything better and all it has done is crush the family. I believe the same logic to the tobacco applies, THIS WAS NOT AN ACCIDENT. This gets us back to my reasoning, CONTROL. There are a few things most people can rationalize about this type of control. First the more people who are in one parent households the more of them are poor and poor people are easier to control. Second poor people are on government programs (welfare etc.) which the government hands out so they are basically at the mercy of the USA government. IF the government was to say we have to do this our we will have to cut your welfare, then all of the people dependent on welfare are instantly on the side of that governmental decision because people don’t want to lose their benefits.

However I have a 3rd and more sinister reason for destroying the Nuclear family. ISOLATION. It is part of the government interrogation process. It has been studied in great depth, and has even been considered torture in some countries. What do we do to a criminal who we can’t fully control? What do we do to a terrorist we are trying to scare into giving us information? Its the one constant we keep across how we react to all of our enemies. ISOLATION. Its rooted in the subconscious of all humans. We are social creatures and it is psychologically damaging to isolate us. People who feel like they are alone or don’t fit in are the easiest to control. At very young ages the out cast of a class tends to be the easiest student to manipulate into getting into trouble. this has been proven time and time again over many studies. Most people consider it common knowledge. It is the perfect weapon of control. It has been blasted into pop culture with music, TV, Media, and now social media. (new studies show those who use Facebook on a regular basis are twice as likely to feel isolated than those who don’t, Google it) And what is the one place where all people feel like they belong, in their nuclear family. It was the logical next target. Without the family there is no safe harbor to be yourself and not have to worry about receiving cultural backlash. It is a place to learn and to grow with moral fiber, and it is being OBLITERATED right before our eyes.

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This all seems well and good but when you actually look at it, you realize how daunting a task it will be. I offer a few ideas on how we can start heading in the right direction.

1.) Remove barriers to marriage. Many new parents decide – sometimes even the very day a child is born – that they want to marry, or at least to have the father legally acknowledge paternity. While not magically creating a stable family, these decisions offer legal protections and practical benefits.Yet, in most states, these tools are not easily available to new parents. Marriage may require a trip to a courthouse, payment of a license fee, a waiting period, a blood test, and a second trip to a judge or pastor. Procedures to acknowledge paternity may be obscure and legalistic. A couple who already has a mutual child and is eager to formalize their family, is making a responsible choice that should be encouraged. There are many simple ways to help them, such as streamlining marriage and paternity laws, and making marriage licenses and paternity forms available at all birthing hospitals. BRING BACK THE TAX BREAK FOR GETTING MARRIED, IN FACT MAKE IT EVEN BIGGER SO PEOPLE HAVE A STRONG FINANCIAL INCENTIVE TO GET MARRIED.

2.) Teach relationship classes. Along with sex ed. We spend so much time on teach children how to have safe sex, but we never teach the about when to have sex, why to have sex, or how to have a strong healthy relationship. If being part of a nuclear family is the largest factor for being poor or not poor how can we leave this out of our children’s education.

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3.) Family propaganda. Where are the shows on TV about a strong nuclear family? Why aren’t dads heroes anymore? How about a song about being happily married? Sending a positive message to media can make wanting a nuclear family cool again. There is no need to always have such poor messages on main stream media.

4.) Be a good example for your kids. This may be the biggest issue, that is PARENTS NOT WANTING TO BE PARENTS. If you are parent please realize you are raising the future of the world. I know its tough and no one is perfect, but if you find yourself making life changing decisions based on what YOU WANT INSTEAD OF WHATS BEST FOR YOUR CHILD STOP IT. You gave them life and brought them into the worlds. They are your own flesh and blood and nothing should ever be more important to you than them. I can’t tell you how much it breaks my heart every time I hear a story about a parent neglecting their children. IT IS YOUR DUTY TO DO WHAT IS RIGHT FOR YOUR KIDS IT IS NOT OPTIONAL. Also if you see a parent doing something like this, DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT. Either say something yourself or call the cops. The absence of a good deed in the face of evil is evil itself. Remember that.

Ok. That’s all I have for you, but if you want to read more about trends causing the colaps of the family check out some links below.

Post about social media


So what’s with this new trend of home screen flaunting?  Had anyone else notice this new trend? Is been pretty hard to miss lately as I have seen them shared on XDA forums,  Google+ post and even saw a new big emerge MyColorScreen.

(If you ever have an iPhone user tell you Android isn’t  beautiful direct them to this site, it’s pretty impressive)

Click for More Screen Detail
Click for More Screen Detail

Well I am guess i am assuming that if you own an iPhone you wouldn’t have any idea because they all look the same, but Windows and Android users would relate.

So after looking at a few of them today and seeing hundreds of home screens over the years I decided no one has one just like me. Time to join the home screen showoff party. Maybe this is the beauty of home screen art.  It never looks the same.  Now mine isn’t as artsy as some you will see but to me functionality is its beauty.  I’d you want to know anything about what you see below leave a comment.

First the lock screen.


Screen Previews

Now I will run through each screen starting with my default screen.










I achieved this look with Holo Launcher HD as my launcher. Widgetzoid for the highly functional default screen widget(green). 1Weather for the cool weather widget.  And a jedi rom for the rest of the customization. UCCW for the custum clock widget on the home screen.

Think your Homescreen is better shoot me an email @

Diamonds for everyone and they are all worth about as much as sand.

[Edit: these diamonds are actually so far only industrial grade so the will not be used in jewelry Huffington Post Article

But don’t get me wrong this will still largely effect the price of the stones.]


Remember about 5 months ago when a few of the largest diamond companies that were still privately owned all of a sudden sold out and cashed in on the value of their company?  I DO.

This is why. That huge diamond engagement ring you bought your lover that cost you at least a few paychecks, well the diamond is probably worth as much as any old rock in your backyard now.


Oh ya and all of the R&D money put into creating lab diamonds, that was a waste as well.


Come to Russia (AKA Super Shady Land) and buy diamonds for as cheap as sand. Basically they have an entire desert of them, and they have been laughing all the way to the bank since the 1970’s.

Russia Announces It has been hiding a 3,000 year supply of diamonds for 4 decades.


Look at all the awesome “NEW” features Apple is offering. #iPhone5


…..Whoa hold on a second….Who is COPYING who here…. Seems like EVERY SINGLE THING Apple announced today is a direct rip off of an Android feature. #boycottApple


I am having deja vu…. didnt Apple do this last year as well and declare it all as NEW technology. Lol.

Btw if you want all of these features PLUS a better camera and a bigger screen check out the Samsung Galaxy SIII or the HTC ONE X. Both will only cost you $100.00. … which is half of what the iPhone5 costs.

Oh ya and you don’t have to use iTunes or plug you phone into your computer EVER with android.

Can’t wait to see the millions of idiots that buy this phone just because it has the cool laser burn of the Apple on the back lol.

I miss the old days when these announcements actually had revolutionary technology. BY THE WAY THE PICTURE AT THE TOP IS THE iPHONE 4S,  I bet know one could even tell. Just for comparison below is the iPhone5.


Please before you buy this phone read the posts below from over a year ago showing you cheaper alternatives to the iPhone that have all the same functionallity.


Best phones for your $


Who here remembers the good ole GIF?

If you don’t know what I am talking about please reference [Just Some GIFs For Fun]

These fun low quality animations were all the rage back in the days of GeoCites, and again for a while during the MySpace era. Well its looks like they are coming back again, and this time gaining steam with the youngsters and their smart phone.

If you haven’t noticed them replacing peoples profile pictures on twitter yet you soon will. How to make your twitter avatar a GIF.

Twitter GIF

That is where this new social network comes in. GIFBOOM, makes creating, sharing and networking with GIF loving fools everywhere simple and easy and completely functional on any decent smart phone.

Link to PlayStore GIFBOOM


So Google finally got its act together and finished “officially” purchasing Motorola. For some reason everyone is making this out to be all about the patents. I will agree a large factor of why the deal got done so fast last August was do to the patents, but these were not as much to protect current technologies and code as it was to protect the future of Google. Specifically, Google+, Chrome OS, and Android.

This comes down to possibly the most important and over looked Android Device released ever, which came out in the spring of 2011 and was largely considered a flop. The Motorola ATRIX 4G.


I know I know a ton of you just went WTF this guy is crazy… But hear me out.

Google has been working on two fronts lately with Chrome OS and Android OS. But the real question is why? Again this comes back to what Google saw in the ATRIX. Its all about THE WEBTOP! In the near future (Q4 2012) the new ATRIX 3 should be launching, and will be the game changer. Everyone loved the idea of having a phone that opperated as both a phone and a desktop/laptop computer, that the ATRIX provided. However it was poorly implemented.


NOW imagine that same system only running, JellyBean as the phone OS and Chrome OS as the webtop OS. Suddenly its as if the seas have parted, the clouds have cleared and the future vision of Google has come clearly into sight.



Now that you can see the future of Google back to why they needed Motorola to do this. Motorola owns the patents on the software used to connect the dual booted OS’s. They call it WEBTOP CONNECTOR and it allows for whatever you were working on in the webtop OS to easily be transfered to the phone OS or the car doc OS and vice versus. This means if you are using your phone as a desktop computer and you take it from the dock the web page, word doc, power point, etc, is transfered into the phone OS instantly and seamlessly so you can take it with you and continue working on it on the fly.

(Hold on a second how many people new the ATRIX could do that?)

This is where the future of mobile computing is going and Google now owns the rights to it.


The article below is informative on the smaller issues, but i thought they missed the big point discussed above.

Android Police: Google And Motorola’s Shotgun Wedding Is Final – And It’s Definitely Going To Change Things For Android




Google executive confirms convergence of Chrome OS and Android.


Posted: April 4, 2012 in News, Opinion

So as you know back like 10 months ago I said this would be coming. 


It looks like I was right! GOOGLE GLASSES are on there way. And it just give us one more thing we can say “LETS SEE YOUR iPHONE DO THIS…” to.


Check out the demo video below.

Google Glasses Demo on YouTube.

So I am sorry to share this all with you but it looks like millions of people have been tricked by this douche…


He founded Invisible Children which is a charity that takes “donations” to try and prevent children from become an African Child Soldier.

However only a small amount of your money ever makes it to the CHILDREN. The rest goes to the founders crazy drug habit.

Below is a video by a TM reporter who saw this guy The Founder Of Invisible Children, running down the street naked on some sort of crazy drug high.

This is what your donations to invisible children went to…

Looks like 7 millions dollars scammed out of good natured people can get you pretty messed up on drugs.

For the full story check the link below

Kony leaders Arrested.

The True Faces Of Apple

Posted: March 13, 2012 in News
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Next time you are playing temple run, or listening to a new cd from itunes, or showing off the latests fad feature iOS has provided you think about these faces.

These are the true faces of Apple. These are the faces of the workers who were painfully burned do to dangerous procedures they were forced to do, while making your phone/tablet.

Picture originally from link below.