AI is coming for your kush white collar job, WAY sooner than you think.

Posted: March 27, 2019 in Uncategorized

Just watched a news report about how 40% of jobs will be replaced by AI in the next 15 years. Jobs mentioned were: Drivers Waiters Retail shop employees I actually think the number could be much higher. Let me explain.

Everyone thinks of automation replacing lower end job, and it will, but it will also replace many white collar jobs in the near future as well. My list would have included the below as well: Data entry Accounting Financial Planning Accounts Payable Accounts receivable Call centers

Currently it is my 9-5 (lol) job to redesign systems in those areas of business to eliminate the need to hire new employees as the company grows. *disclaimer* I work for one of the largest privately owned companies in the world.

The technology to automate these departments already exists for the most part and is on the brink of wide spread adoption at most companies. It has merely been held up by lack of updates to financial systems at most companies due to cost restraints that are quickly disappearing.
Let me explain a bit about what I am working on. We use a combination of Robotic Process Automaton RPA, Optical Character Recognition OCR, Cloud Base Workflow CBW and Machine Learning ML to automate entire departments.
These tools combined have allowed us to automate between 75%-90% of the rolls in the below departments.
Financial Forecasting
Call Centers
Data entry
We are also looking at automating processes for both our Human Resources and Legal Departments as well. The goal is to be able to continue to grow at the same rate, without needing to hire new employees in any of those areas.
The software has been exceeding expectations. -In lower level accounting positions 75% of the employees have left or been reassigned to new areas of the company. -In purchasing they are down to about 1/3 of their former size. -Data entry positions have been reduced by 95%
In other areas we have seen 0 growth or 5%-10% reduction in employees… All the above happening while the company is seeing 15%-20% year over year growth.
Some may ask “why I am telling you this?”, and it’s because the possibility of your job being automated with AI in the next 10 years is not just likely it’s probable. Not all major companies are willing to retrain employees to move to new departments, most will just lay you off.
Trust me there is probably an entire department at most big companies spending all of their time trying to figure out how to eliminate your job.
What this means on a larger scale? It is extremely important to make as much money as possible over the next 15-20 years. Over that time period we could see real rates of unemployment reach 20%-60%. Society as a whole is going to change greatly.
I believe you will see a 2 class system emerge, where you have a class of people who have money, rights, freedom, and a class of people who don’t and are 100% reliant on government assistance to survive. Over time the gap between haves and have nots will widen ALOT.

So in the next 20 years you need to do whatever you can to be included in the working class of that senario There are a few things you can do now to increase your chances.

1.) Own land 2.) Learn to code 3.) Specialize your skills to things not worth automating 4.) Save your money 5.) 6.) Protect your data


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